In October, Ashgabat, Turkmenabat and Turkmenbashi hosted a series of trainings for women entrepreneurs on building skills and competencies for foreign economic activity.
In total, more than 70 women from the business sector took part in the training.
The trainings were conducted by the International Trade Center (ITC) within the framework of the Ready4Trade Central Asia project funded by the European Union (EU).
The trainings covered a wide range of topics, including the basic rules and state regulation of foreign economic activity, customs legislation and customs documentation, foreign trade contracts and commercial negotiations, as well as border crossing by individuals.
ITC National Consultant Arslan Joraev and practicing lawyer Iqbal Said Alauddin provided the participants with the opportunity to discuss issues directly related to their business activities.

In addition to the theoretical part, the participants also performed exercises that included real cases from practice.
“The European Union, and in particular the Ready4Trade project, is focusing on women-led businesses and it is encouraging that we are seeing an increase in the number of women entrepreneurs in Turkmenistan. The products they produce are unique, colorful, good quality and ready for export. Some of the women business owners have already participated in Ready4Trade’s export management and e-commerce training initiatives and we are already seeing great results such as better export performance and better online sales.”
Laura Berzina
Assistant Head of Mission of the EU Delegation to Turkmenistan
A series of October trainings allowed women entrepreneurs to systematize their knowledge in the field of customs legislation and the regulatory framework governing the implementation of foreign economic activity, to study the features of concluding international contracts and the specifics of negotiating with foreign partners, as well as to get acquainted with the rules, rights and obligations when crossing the border and legislative aspects of the protection of women’s rights.
Source: https://turkmenportal.com/blog/53495/dlya-zhenshchinpredprinimatelei-turkmenistana-provedeny-treningi-po-vneshneekonomicheskoi-deyatelnosti