For the first time in Turkmenistan, an integrated quality management system was developed and implemented in three months. For the company «Maslahatly çözgüt» it was also a novelty. «One of the main principles for our company is customer orientation. Most of our clients expressed a desire to receive certificates of international standards and invited us to participate in project management and implementation of ISO standards.
Taking into account the wishes of our clients, we have trained consultants, conducted trainings, attracted external consultants specializing in the implementation of ISO 9001 standards — quality management system, ISO 14001 -environmental management system, ISO 45001 — health and safety management system (ISO implementation). We have come to the conclusion that the principles of ISO international standards are identical to our values that we instill in our customers.
One of the first companies we started working with on the implementation of ISO was Ynamlyol hyzmatlary, which provides versatile services: shipbuilding, maintenance of high–pressure systems and IT services.

Most ISO standards implementation projects last from six months to a year. Our goal was to implement an integrated management system of three ISO standards in three months,» said Joraev Arslan, Director of Maslahatly çözgüt, in an interview.

«We have divided the project into two areas:
1 – Consulting on the implementation of ISO standards.
As part of the work done on consulting, we conducted direct training on the requirements of ISO standards, special trainings, audits, and we also revised the processes and documentation of procedures.
2 – Legislative acts of Turkmenistan.
This is an important stage in the implementation of ISO standards.
The requirements of international standards should not contradict local legislation.
A distinctive feature of our very young company is that our company employs consultants who have worked in other companies, they have practical experience in self-management of both companies and projects. And, another thing that distinguishes our implementation of ISO standards is a special emphasis on the Legislative acts of Turkmenistan concerning labor protection, company management, personnel,» added Joraev Arslan

It is important to note that Maslahatly çözgüt is a very young company operating in the business services market since 2022 (ISO Certification Service).
Experienced consultants of the company, implementing international standards, cope with any complex management tasks, apply practical experience, advising on the development of regulations, preparation of orders, filling in logs, documentation. Most importantly, within three months, they implement ISO standards, following the legislative acts of Turkmenistan.