From November 21 to 25, Ashgabat hosted a training course «Export Management», which was attended by about 50 representatives of small and medium-sized businesses of Turkmenistan.
The trainings were organized by the International Trade Center (ITC) project «Ready4Trade Central Asia», funded by the European Union.
Training topics covered topics such as international trade rules, the export process, European Union market requirements, quality and conformity, and road transit routes.
The training took place in an interactive format: most of the course consisted of practical tasks using case studies, videos and tests. The participants discussed the main concepts of international trade, asked questions of interest to experts, and also determined how to conduct international trade in the most efficient and competent way.
By the end of the program, the participants have increased their knowledge in the field of exporting goods to the EU countries, got acquainted with the activities of existing trade organizations, gained access to useful online platforms and tools with which to study trade statistics, export requirements, logistics routes and much more.

The Ready4Trade project aims to help connect the countries of Central Asia with the global trade network, improve export and trade performance in general, and gain better access to the European market. To achieve this goal, trainings are conducted on a regular basis, aimed at increasing knowledge in the field of export for representatives of the private sector.
Rustam Alymov
National Project Manager Ready4Trade Central Asia in Turkmenistan
The information received by the participants in the trainings will be relevant to improve the current or future export activities of private enterprises.
Upon completion of the training, each participant received ITC certificates on course completion.
The Ready4Trade Central Asia project is a joint initiative of the European Union and the International Trade Center aimed at contributing to the overall sustainable and inclusive economic development of Central Asia by stimulating intra-regional and international trade.
Source: https://turkmenportal.com/blog/54758/v-ashhabade-zavershilsya-kurs-upravlenie-eksportom-dlya-predpriyatii-malogo-i-srednego-biznesa