Климатическая повестка: особенности климатических рисков и водная безопасность

A series of seminars on the topic “Climate Agenda: Features of Climate Risks and Water Security” continues; the discussion continued in Dashoguz.

The overall goal of the workshops is to build the knowledge base and capacity of the private sector in Turkmenistan on climate risks and impacts of climate change, as well as options and opportunities to facilitate adaptation measures. Our company takes an active part in these seminars as a partner of KPMG, within the framework of a project with UNDP.

Климатическая повестка: особенности климатических рисков и водная безопасность
Climate agenda: features of climate risks and water security
Климатическая повестка: особенности климатических рисков и водная безопасность
Climate agenda: features of climate risks and water security
Климатическая повестка: особенности климатических рисков и водная безопасность
Climate agenda: features of climate risks and water security