ISO 30414

ISO 30414 published in 2019.

ISO 30414:2018 Human Resource Management — Guidelines for Human Capital Reporting for Internal and External Stakeholders is the world’s first global standard specifically describing how small, medium and large organizations should measure and report human capital for internal and external external users of information.

This standard was intended for organizations and their stakeholders to find up-to-date information for more effective business management.

As required, 23 key indicators were expected from companies in order to increase transparency regarding the organization’s contribution to human capital.

The accompanying documentation for this standard is listed below:
— ISO 30400 Human resources management, covers the main terms used in human resources standards.
— ISO 30409 Workforce planning in the field of human resource management helps in planning and correcting your personnel protocols.
— ISO 30408 Human resources management, contains the necessary guidelines for the establishment of an enterprise human resources management system.

— ISO 24179 Human Resources Management, provides measures for internal and external reporting in the field of human resources related to health and safety data, highlighting issues taken into account in interpretation, such as loss of time due to accidents, work injuries, plus the number of people trained in safety precautions, shows a comparison of the time to track the goal.

ISO 30414 is not intended specifically for any industry, such as healthcare, agriculture, or manufacturing. But this is also the strength of the standard, as it is easy to apply to any industry, allows organizations to tailor the requirements in accordance with the field of activity.

If the goal of a business is to maximize profits and productivity, then it is ISO standards that are designed to help in this by reducing the inefficiency of processes and procedures, but without the support and efforts from the company’s management to comply with and maintain the requirements of the standard, maintaining the ISO 30414 management system will be impossible.

The consultant will help to adapt the processes of the enterprise or company in accordance with the requirements.