Harman Consulting бизнес акселератор Business HUB «Нöwes» в рамках программы «Стартап-экосистема - 2023»

9 января 2024 года, в компании Harman Consulting BUSINESS акселератор Business HUB «Нöwes» в рамках программы «Стартап-экосистема — 2023» организованной СЭТ и проектом USAID по развитию современных профессиональных навыков (YDA), провел внутренний Demo Day для наших молодых и амбициозных стартапов.

Harman Consulting бизнес акселератор Business HUB «Нöwes» в рамках программы «Стартап-экосистема - 2023»
Harman Consulting business accelerator Business HUB "Нöwes" within the framework of the "Startup Ecosystem - 2023" program

The event featured 12 teams with ideas in different directions, presenting their projects in front of real jury members! Startups were assessed based on a large number of criteria, including: the innovativeness and prospects of a business idea, the cost of its implementation, competitive advantage, technical feasibility of the project and many, many other strict indicators for selecting truly breakthrough ideas.

Harman Consulting бизнес акселератор Business HUB «Нöwes» в рамках программы «Стартап-экосистема - 2023»
Harman Consulting business accelerator Business HUB "Нöwes" within the framework of the "Startup Ecosystem - 2023" program

Based on the results of the jury's assessment, 3 projects were selected to advance to the final Demo Day, which will be held in February, where teams will present their product to potential investors and compete with projects from other companies!
We congratulate the teams on making it to the finals and wish them success! This will be a unique opportunity for startups to receive feedback from experts and investors, as well as find opportunities to develop their business!

Harman Consulting бизнес акселератор Business HUB «Нöwes» в рамках программы «Стартап-экосистема - 2023»
Harman Consulting business accelerator Business HUB "Нöwes" within the framework of the "Startup Ecosystem - 2023" program
Harman Consulting бизнес акселератор Business HUB «Нöwes» в рамках программы «Стартап-экосистема - 2023»
Harman Consulting business accelerator Business HUB "Нöwes" within the framework of the "Startup Ecosystem - 2023" program
Harman Consulting бизнес акселератор Business HUB «Нöwes» в рамках программы «Стартап-экосистема - 2023»
Harman Consulting business accelerator Business HUB "Нöwes" within the framework of the "Startup Ecosystem - 2023" program
Harman Consulting бизнес акселератор Business HUB «Нöwes» в рамках программы «Стартап-экосистема - 2023»
Harman Consulting business accelerator Business HUB "Нöwes" within the framework of the "Startup Ecosystem - 2023" program
Harman Consulting бизнес акселератор Business HUB «Нöwes» в рамках программы «Стартап-экосистема - 2023»
Harman Consulting business accelerator Business HUB "Нöwes" within the framework of the "Startup Ecosystem - 2023" program
Harman Consulting бизнес акселератор Business HUB «Нöwes» в рамках программы «Стартап-экосистема - 2023»
Harman Consulting business accelerator Business HUB "Нöwes" within the framework of the "Startup Ecosystem - 2023" program
Harman Consulting бизнес акселератор Business HUB «Нöwes» в рамках программы «Стартап-экосистема - 2023»
Harman Consulting business accelerator Business HUB "Нöwes" within the framework of the "Startup Ecosystem - 2023" program